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SMF 2.0!

(1/2) > >>

I'm sure it's pretty obvious if you're on the default theme, but I updated the server to SMF 2.0 stable. w00t!

Let me know if there are any problems. :)

I miss the old theme :(

You can change it to the old theme on your settings page (to steal Antivirus's post):

Profile -> Modify Profile (top left above Summary) -> Look and Layout -> Click "Change" in the Current Theme row -> Click Use This Theme for the theme called Core Theme ->  Click Change Profile (bottom right) -> Done!\

I hate change, but I'm gonna try and get used to the new theme. We'll see if I last. :)

This theme definitely feels wayyy faster, or maybe it's just SMF 2.0 that's faster.

I approve.

change is definitely never good....unless it's good change! :D!


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