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Spyware infects Drone Plane Command Center


This is actually somewhat funny ... you'd never expect this to be a problem!

Heh, seems pretty bad... but:


--- Quote from: Sidoh on October 09, 2011, 02:50:54 pm ---Heh, seems pretty bad... but:

--- End quote ---

Nice, a slashdot churnalistic work citing a no-name reputable source (techzwn) ... at least it's not mentioned, for example, on wikipedia (unlike TheRegister, CNET, ZDNET, Symantec, etc). Seriously, hasn't twitter supplanted slashdot for churnalism? How can you read that drivel man?

"Could be" is speculation. Besides, that doesn't make a whole lot of sense. If they wanted to monitor their own systems, why not have the command center's own IT do it instead? Or, why not tell them about monitoring prior so they don't embarrass the military by going to the press? I don't buy that explanation at all.

I guess The Guardian is no different than techzwn other than the fact they do generic world wide news. Still, The Guardian isn't a tech resource like the aforementioned sites.


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