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Your new leaders!

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Elections are over, and I'd like to present to you your new leaders until October!

Your first leader, is none other than iago!

Your second leader, I am proud to announce, is archon! (krazed/steve/whatever you know him as)

And last but not least, your third leader is Quik!

Yay! Congrats to all! And I'd like to say farewell to Mythix as a leader. He did a great job.


--- Quote from: Newby on June 12, 2005, 12:47:56 pm ---Your second leader, I am proud to announce, is archon! (krazed/steve/whatever you know him as)

--- End quote ---

We're doooomed! ;)

I swear.  If I ever get in I'm gonna run for leader with a stuffed pink teddy bear as a running mate, win, then resign.  That pink teddy bear will pwn.


--- Quote from: Newby on June 12, 2005, 12:47:56 pm ---Elections are over, and I'd like to present to you your new leaders until October!

Your first leader, is none other than iago!

Your second leader, I am proud to announce, is archon! (krazed/steve/whatever you know him as)

And last but not least, your third leader is Quik!

Yay! Congrats to all! And I'd like to say farewell to Mythix as a leader. He did a great job.

--- End quote ---

I had fun! thanks for <3ing me.

Congrats to all of you, you top three deserve it.

Perhaps when I get some more time to be active like I once was I'll try and run.

Once again, congrats folks.

Wtf? Archon? Where is Joe? =/.

Just kidding. Good job at getting on the board, Archon, and congrats to iago and Quik for staying on.


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