Main story in short: friend has a meeting w/dean of student affairs tomorrow over shit he posted on facebook.
Before I get to the main story, I will preface it with a few background stories.
1) Batman is the friend. He is a fucking character. He is also in a really shitty place in life (his wife was a bitch, ran up credit cards, ditched him), but it's looking up (wife is gone and divorced). Ppl either love or hate him. He is amusing, but his diatribes in class never end - nice for eating time, shitty for us caring. Further, he is rude, crude, and social unacceptable - but he isn't flat-out mean. He likes to joke around, and says "fuck you" to people that get offended by him. He is a generally chill dude.
2) Student Bar Association (SBA) elections were yesterday. SBA elections, as any student/real elections = popularity contest. Batman, in his classic mockery and disdain for the unimportant, setup a Facebook event called "Batman, Batman, Batman, Batman for SBA" (all the "real" SBA election events have four names too). Anywho, our current SBA officer that is apparently in charge of bitchiness and elections saw the page and told Batman to take it down. He said no. She sent out an email saying that any write-in vote for Batman will be ignored. He started to mock her on FB. She got bitchy/threateny. He got insulty. She got reporty (i.e., reported his comments on FB as "inappropriate" and FB "reviewed" them).
SO...because of all the back and forth bullshit, which I feel was instigated by Batman in that he created a FB page, but escalated to an absurd degree by the SBA officer, he now has a meeting with the dean of student affairs.
My take: fuck. that. He posted something on the Internet as a goddamned joke. Everyone knew it was a joke, but the prissy SBA officer got her panties in a wad. He she let it be, everyone would've lol'd at Batman's page, Batman would've made his point - that SBA elections are popularity contests - and life would've gone-the-fuck-on. Normally, no one would give a shit about any of this. But, now, I think it's a matter of "she is a bitch and needs to get over herself" principle. I hope Batman prevails.
What do yall think about taking Internet parody to heart and getting a decently-liked kid (he is 33) in trouble?
/that said, 31 is a little old to be making fun of people, but whatever...its the fucking internet