\def\@hishercounsel{\@latex@warning@no@line{No \noexpand\hishercounsel given}}
\def\@opposingcounsel{\@latex@warning@no@line{No \noexpand\opposingcounsel given}}
%Start a new group to contain the def of the testbox and newline
%Change newline so that each line is an hbox
%Start vbox{hbox{ ...
%End the last hbox and the vbox
{\unskip\egroup\egroup \egroup}
%Output a fill, then the box
%\hskip 0pt plus 1.0fill \box\testbox \egroup }
\noindent \@docket \par \noindent
{\@firstparty, \textit{Plaintiff,}} & { Superior Court Housing Session } \\
{\hfil v.\hfil} & { Judicial District of New Haven at New Haven } \\
{\@secondparty, \textit{Defendant}.} & { \@date }
\end{tabular} \vspace{8pt}
{~} & { THE DEFENDANT \par ~ \par By \underscore{15em}~\par } \\
{ On The Pleading: \par Christopher DeCoro \par Yale Law School Class of 2012 \par christopher.decoro@yale.edu \par Law Student Intern } &
{ \@supervisor \par \@address \par \@hishercounsel }
This is to certify that on \@date, a copy of the
foregoing was mailed, first-class mail, postage pre-paid, to \@opposingcounsel
\vskip 1in
\newcommand{\testimonyrequired}{\begin{figure}[b]{\bf Oral Argument Requested \\~ \\ Testimony Required}\end{figure}}
\newcommand{\testimonynotrequired}{\begin{figure}[b]{\bf Oral Argument Requested \\~ \\ Testimony Not Required}\end{figure}}
%Set some default formatting
\setlength{\parskip}{1.25ex plus 2ex minus .5ex}
% vim: set syntax=tex :
That's the TeX file for a trial brief (sans actual content). FUCK. THAT. I could never read it well enough to ever want to edit my own writing (w/o PDFing it and printing on hard paper).