Today was super chill.
Very... descriptive.
Let me elaborate. I went to take SAT reasoning at the same high school as Newby, but he took the subject tests. I finish, call him, and we go get baconaters at Wendy's. We go back to his place to chill and eat, but on the way we pick up a friend who was literally roaming the streets and he chills with us. He suggests we go see a movie, so we go see it. The movie was pretty good, I forgot the name, but it was about the russian mafia in London. After that we drop him off at his friend's appartment and head back to Newby's. Leetmuffin meets us at his house and we go to my house and chill for a bit, getting some earplugs + using my cappuccino machine before heading out to a local death metal concert. We go to the local death metal concert, which pretty much wasn't too great but pretty awesome at the same time, and then we call Quik. We go over and pick up Quik, and spend a lot of time looking for something to eat and finally found Rubios
. After eating there, we chilled for a while outside of Rubios and then I drove everyone home