ex invited us to hang out at bar.
we get there, my friends leave, other friend shows up.
I have one (tall/24oz) beer.
I leave, frustrated cause dude is hitting on ex and she isnt exactly discouraging it while texting me that it's awkward etc.
I spin tires twice.
Cop pulls me over, smells beer, asks how many I had, I say one (it was). He asks if I was mad at a girlfriend. He does finger test (back and forth) says I had more than one cause my eyes are shaking (nervous as hell), I say a tall new castle, he replies "we get a 50% discount there, they'll tell me how much you had," again I say a tall new castle. He makes me walk a parking lot line, I do it not tapping my heels to my toes. He says going it again heel-to-toe
. I do that fine and dandy.
I end up with a ticket for "racing engine, squealing tires" (he said three times, I know it was only twice, but I was not in a situation to argue it).
Asks why I did it, I said frustrated because of the situation with my ex, he said "no girls is worth it, well, maybe she is ... but not a ticket"
I was completely polite, as usual when dealing with people older/with more authority than me.
Off to court on monday morning ... yay?