that sucks craz3d but at least your party didnt suck. The original 5 girls who showed up (I liked 4/5, 1 the most but she has a bf, and the 2nd one I think likes me.) didn't stay long and went to a club. They were supposed to leave and come back at 2, at 2:10 they told me they were leaving. Texted at 3, they say they're finding the car and leaving and just have to get food and they'd be over. Get a text abour quarter to 4 saying one got a drinking ticket and they'd keep me updated. I sent 3 more texts trying to find out what happened and called, no response so I went to bed. In hindsight I wish I a) hadn't gotten into an argument because it scared 3 other girls who came over away, and b) gone to bed when everyone else did instead of waiting up. Now I'm the first one awake but I'm really tired.
I'm disappointed in my Spring Break, it didn't provide the drunken adventures that I had hoped. I only drank twice and both nights kind of sucked.