Tonight was pretty crazy. We had an exchange with some Jewish sorority that I thought was going to suck but it was surprisingly awesome. Here's why:
I wore a Microsoft "Services for UNIX" vest. Super nerdy, but whatever, I didn't have a costume. It was supposed to be 1920s themed, I decided to be the 2020s themed look, "I'm Bill Gates, I took a time machine back 100 years" style look. Some murder mystery story was the theme of the night, but it was super lame. Some chick yelled at me so I yelled back only because she was pretty cute at some point during the festivities (before the dancing and the beer).
Same chick danced with me as soon as the music started, in that she called me out and asked me to dance with her. The chick was an insane dancer and really cute too. We danced a bit, she made fun of how I couldn't dance but tried to teach me anyway. She asked what was up with the vest, I told her my story, she thought it was cute and thought I was sweet. Later, she had to leave, her ride was leaving. I thought she left, suddenly she shows up again and ends up giving me her number (when she originally came to get my last name) sooo tonight was a success.
I'm unusually drunk, but some cute chick gave me her number and said "we should party together" so I definitely am gonna call her up soon. She said she's out of town this weekend, but soon.
Unless it's all a trick! Blah! Or maybe I had serious beer goggles. But I'm hoping not. But the fact that she was into me... makes me think alcohol was really a player in this whole situation. Maybe it's insecurity.