Why on the subject of math, maybe someone can recommend me a good course to take next semester? I've done a lot of engineering math courses, enough for a math minor (I'd have a B.A. in math but I need ~13 hours of foreign language).
Looking at what courses I can pick from I see these:
Modern Geometry - An introduction to geometry including axiomatics, finite geometry, convexity, and classicalEuclidean and non-Euclidean geometry.
Introduction to Functions of a Complex Variable - Complex analytic functions, conformal mappings, complex integrals. Taylor and Laurent series, integration by the method of residues, complex analytic functions and potential theory.
Introduction to Abstract Algebra I - Concepts from set theory; the system of natural numbers, extension from the natural numbers to the integers; semigroups and groups; rings, integral domain and fields
Applied Modern Algebra - Topics from the theory of error correcting codes, including Shannon's theorem, finite fields, families of linear codes such as Hamming, Golay, BCH, and Reed-Solomon codes. Other topics such as Goppa codes, group codes, and cryptography as time permits
Introduction to Analysis I - Review of real number system. Sequences of real numbers. Topology of the real line. Continuity and differentiation of functions of a single variable.
Introduction to Topology - Metric spaces and topological spaces, continuity, connectedness, compactness and related topics.
Partial Differential Equations - First order equations, Cauchy problem for higher order equations, second order equations with constant coefficients, linear hyperbolic equations (Grad. Class)
Wavelets - Fourier analysis on a finite cyclic group, the group of integers, and the real line. The matching pursuit algorithm. The Poisson summation formula and sampling. Multi-resolution analysis, various wavelet constructions (including those of Daubechies and Meyer) and filter banks. An introduction to the MATLAB wavelet toolbox. (Grad. Class)
Are any of these really enlightening classes or cover subjects that are neat? I'm eyeballing the Wavelets class...