Author Topic: Let's hear it!  (Read 1855145 times)

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Re: Let's hear it!
« Reply #1680 on: April 14, 2007, 11:42:53 am »
So, I had to go to the ER yesterday because I had a severe allergic reaction to.. something. They had to hook me up to a breathy thingie because my throat was so swelled up it was hard to breathe. Yeah. I never want that to happen again.

Offline CrAz3D

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Re: Let's hear it!
« Reply #1681 on: April 14, 2007, 11:51:28 am »
whoa, ... what kind of breatherying thing?

Offline Sidoh

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Re: Let's hear it!
« Reply #1682 on: April 14, 2007, 01:37:35 pm »
So, I had to go to the ER yesterday because I had a severe allergic reaction to.. something. They had to hook me up to a breathy thingie because my throat was so swelled up it was hard to breathe. Yeah. I never want that to happen again.

That sucks. :(

Make sure you stay away from ..somethings!  They get me every time too. :(

Offline Newby

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Re: Let's hear it!
« Reply #1683 on: April 14, 2007, 03:43:41 pm »
Current balance in my account: $502.57
After deposit: $662.57

Woohoo! :D
- Newby

[17:32:45] * xar sets mode: -oooooooooo algorithm ban chris cipher newby stdio TehUser tnarongi|away vursed warz
[17:32:54] * xar sets mode: +o newby
[17:32:58] <xar> new rule
[17:33:02] <xar> me and newby rule all

I'd bet that you're currently bloated like a water ballon on a hot summer's day.

That analogy doesn't even make sense.  Why would a water balloon be especially bloated on a hot summer's day? For your sake, I hope there wasn't too much logic testing on your LSAT. 

Offline BigAznDaddy

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Re: Let's hear it!
« Reply #1684 on: April 14, 2007, 07:45:55 pm »
So, I had to go to the ER yesterday because I had a severe allergic reaction to.. something. They had to hook me up to a breathy thingie because my throat was so swelled up it was hard to breathe. Yeah. I never want that to happen again.
is that something latex.... :) just kidding hope you feel better. I work in the hospital myself and i have seen far worse things happen to people in the ER. as a matter of fact i saw someone die :(. the doctors tried the diphibulaters and everything.

Current balance in my account: $502.57
After deposit: $662.57

Woohoo! :D

GG james

Offline CrAz3D

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Re: Let's hear it!
« Reply #1685 on: April 14, 2007, 08:02:17 pm »
So, I had to go to the ER yesterday because I had a severe allergic reaction to.. something. They had to hook me up to a breathy thingie because my throat was so swelled up it was hard to breathe. Yeah. I never want that to happen again.
is that something latex.... :) just kidding hope you feel better. I work in the hospital myself and i have seen far worse things happen to people in the ER. as a matter of fact i saw someone die :(. the doctors tried the diphibulaters and everything.

Offline leet_muffin

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Re: Let's hear it!
« Reply #1686 on: April 15, 2007, 12:37:40 am »
So, I had to go to the ER yesterday because I had a severe allergic reaction to.. something. They had to hook me up to a breathy thingie because my throat was so swelled up it was hard to breathe. Yeah. I never want that to happen again.

Jesus, hun.... =/ Are you completely over it yet? ...This is why we have phone numers, lol. Well, lemme' know how you are, plz.
The douchebag method:
fuck allfo you i dont give a fuck ill fight everyone of you fuck that sbhit fuck you

Offline BigAznDaddy

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Re: Let's hear it!
« Reply #1687 on: April 15, 2007, 12:50:49 am »

Jesus, hun.... =/ Are you completely over it yet? ...This is why we have phone numers, lol. Well, lemme' know how you are, plz.
Number is spelled incorrectly sir :).
Yes i caught the Correction/ punctuation master misspell.

Offline Towelie

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Re: Let's hear it!
« Reply #1688 on: April 15, 2007, 05:58:32 am »
I was shot down by a girl earlier! I must fail at life  :(

Offline Sidoh

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Re: Let's hear it!
« Reply #1689 on: April 15, 2007, 06:14:35 am »
I was shot down by a girl earlier! I must fail at life  :(

You're really ballsy, open or gay. :P

Offline Towelie

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Re: Let's hear it!
« Reply #1690 on: April 15, 2007, 06:29:45 am »
I was shot down by a girl earlier! I must fail at life  :(

You're really ballsy, open or gay. :P
She gave me all the correct signals... she is just too immature. I was leaving a party to let my dog out, she needed a ride home. She suggested going to my house first to "see my dog" knowing that my whole family except me is on vacation. I made a move and got a "What are you doing?" which prompted an OMGWTF BITCH thought :P. Either way, last time I go for a younger girl for a while!


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Re: Let's hear it!
« Reply #1691 on: April 15, 2007, 08:25:03 am »
yeah so I came back from H-SC yesterday afternoon instead of today. Everything was going great until about 4am yesterday when I saw a bright line shine in the back of this girls Suburban and then a knock on  the door and the words "Open up, Police!" I'm like "Shit, they think we're having sex." but it was ok because were both asleep and clothed and we hadn't even kissed or anything. That wasn't it.

The story is kind of long so uhh, you don't have to read it I don't really care.

The girl who I was with actually brought my exgirlfriend, L, there, since they were both at Sweet Briar for an accepted students weekend thing. Well she was in my bestfriend C's car and the police had stopped them. C got 3 misdemeanors and L got 1 (though she should have gotten possession of marijuana because she had an eighth in her purse they found...C got it and he only had a bowl with resin in it.) They both had minor in possession of alcohol and C had possession of false identification.

Anyway since the girl I was with, K, had brought L who is 16 and K is 18 L was K's responsibility. You see, L had her shirt off...I don't really know why but nothing was happening they were just sitting there. Anyway the cops came and got us because K brought L. I hadn't smoked anything but there was some in the car so when they had us follow them to the police station I put it in my pocket and when I got out I tossed it beside the building in case we got searched. We just sat in the waiting office of the campus police building and a sheriff from the city came in and was just making conversation with us, he said we'd probably be ok although if we had been drinking, though he doesn't care if we have been, we could get a DUI for being in the car. He got us Dr. Peppers and told us all cops aren't dicks. So they call L's parents and I overhear some of the questioning and stuff. Eventually one of the cops walks out and tells K she is free to go and he looks at me:

Cop: "How old are you?"
Me: "17, but my parents know I'm here."
Cop: "So you aren't a student here? What are your plans for next year?"
Me: "I've enrolled here for next year"
Cop: "Have you been drinking?"
Me: "I've had a little."
Cop: "A little?"
Sheriff: "Just enough right? :)"
Me: "Yes sir."
Cop: "Do your parents know you've been drinking?"
Me: "I assume not"
Cop: "How do you think mommy and daddy would feel knowing this?"
Me: "They probably wouldn't like it."
Cop: "How long are you staying?"
Me: "Until Sunday"
Cop: "Then I suggest you don't have any more alcohol, because if you do and we catch you know what's going to happen?"
Me: "I'll be arrested."
Cop: "Yes, and you can kiss your acceptance to H-SC good bye."
Then he said something about not being able to drink if you're a minor without a h-sc education and told me I was free to go with a strict warning.

So K and I walked to my friends dorm waiting on C to finish up. L was there until her parents came awhile later. C met us there and then we walked her to her car and C took L's purse (which was in K's car) in to her. That's when the cops found the weed so they had to search K's car (they found an open bottle of Malibu but just confiscated was the cool Sheriff though.) C and I just went back and knocked on our friends dorm, he finally woke up after like 10 minutes and told us to just sleep on the floor (it was about 5:30 AM) The floor was insanely hard and I was freezing. It was a horrible nights sleep. I slept for about 13 hours last night.

We got up, showered, ate breakfast and left around 1:40. Apparently Laurens parents want to call my mom/come by because they think I'm some big pothead just because C had a bowl. I was halfway across campus when they got arrested and had nothing to do with them. I had been telling L we didn't want to hang out with them all night.

The actual parties were fun though. I was told to chug my beer and get fucked up by one of the admissions guys I saw.

All in all I lucked out not getting charged with possession by consumption or something. I think the fact that I was with a girl who was 18, we were both clothed and asleep helped my case. And the fact that I'm enrolled for next year and I was cooperative. My eyes were insanely bloodshot and I reaked of alcohol though so he knew I had been drinking...a lot. I just hope I don't get in trouble for marijuana when that really had nothing to do with my night, and I had nothing to do with L getting in trouble.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2007, 08:26:59 am by OG Trust »

Offline BigAznDaddy

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Re: Let's hear it!
« Reply #1692 on: April 15, 2007, 08:48:56 am »
yeah so I came back from H-SC yesterday afternoon instead of today. Everything was going great until about 4am yesterday when I saw a bright line shine in the back of this girls Suburban and then a knock on  the door and the words "Open up, Police!" I'm like "Shit, they think we're having sex." but it was ok because were both asleep and clothed and we hadn't even kissed or anything. That wasn't it.

The story is kind of long so uhh, you don't have to read it I don't really care.

The girl who I was with actually brought my exgirlfriend, L, there, since they were both at Sweet Briar for an accepted students weekend thing. Well she was in my bestfriend C's car and the police had stopped them. C got 3 misdemeanors and L got 1 (though she should have gotten possession of marijuana because she had an eighth in her purse they found...C got it and he only had a bowl with resin in it.) They both had minor in possession of alcohol and C had possession of false identification.............................

dang nice story but ...your friends are bad news.

Offline Krazed

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Re: Let's hear it!
« Reply #1693 on: April 15, 2007, 08:53:07 am »
Haha, trust, I thought you were a good kid.  :P A little search and "strict" warning never hurt anyone. Keep up the good work.   :)
It is good to be good, but it is better to be lucky.

Offline CrAz3D

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Re: Let's hear it!
« Reply #1694 on: April 15, 2007, 12:36:09 pm »