Anyway I told my mom I didn't supply it (truth) so I'm not in trouble, but damn my own cousin narced on me
Smoking pot isn't reason enough for your parents to punish you?
Well yeah. My mom said she expected me to try it, but it's not OK to be a habitual smoker and she doesn't
want me to do it again. She was glad I was honest with her but wishes I had told her sooner. She told me I should be able to tell her when I do something, but that doesn't necessarily mean call her and say "Yeah last night I smoked two joints and did 3 lines of coke"
And as Rule said, yeah I'm going away to college so she knows this stuff is going to happen and there isn't really much she can do as far as punishment. Sure she could ground me but I really don't go out that much unless it's to the mall, movies, lacrosse, or work - and she's certainly not going to say I can't go to college. Plus in her younger years (teenager-young adult) she did a lot of stuff, so she really can't get mad at me without being completely hypocritical. I know she tried marijuana, various pills, drank, smoked cigarettes, tried mushrooms, accidentally tried LSD, but she said her drug of choice would have been cocaine. (I always had a suspicion of the cocaine, even though she denied it for many years. One of her bestfriends was the largest cocaine dealer in Virginia/North Carolina apparently. I just couldn't see how you could be friends with someone of that caliber and not do it. But whatever.) Of course this is back when stuff like this wasn't as tightly controlled, but's worse than what I did. I think she expects me to try other stuff, probably cocaine. I might and I might not, but as they say all white lines lead to H-SC so there's the possibility.
Edit: Just for the record, me smoking is a very rare thing. Before this incident I hadn't done it in like a month. It's not something I especially like either, as I always react funnily to it and never quite enjoy it.