Speaking of lying, I turned somebody in for an honor code violation today. The guy is a complete jerk and I don't like him, but I still feel kind of bad for turning him in. We were self-correcting a quiz in Spanish and he changed one of his answers. I'm on MY honor to report that, so I had to. I hope it doesn't go to trial because I don't want to be responsible for ruining some kids life, because most likely he would be expelled.
If he were to argue that you made this up in order to get him in trouble, would there be anything to suggest otherwise?
We are both on our honor, so it'd be up to the court to decide who is lying. Most likely they would believe me initially since I'm not the one having my honor questioned, and thus as a general rule I'm to be automatically believed. Also they have an investigator which is appointed by the student body president (our entire honor court and conduct court is student run) who does an in depth investigation including previous work (although this was the 1st quiz so I'm not sure how it works in this case) and teacher interviews/witnesses/etc. The professor said he'd look at it when he grades.
Two kids from the football were suspended for the rest of the semester yesterday for lying, actually. I heard it had something to do with drugs.