He was upset & drunk, a double whammy.
I'm still not completely sure as to what happened.
The girl's room mate cocked blocked him because she was mad about something and wanted to leave.
Just remember Trust, if the lines of consent are blurbed and alcohol is involved it might be rape.
While talking to one of my girl friends who works with the Alcohol & Violence Awareness group on campus I said that the other weekend the girl I was with took me to her tent. My friend said "that's rape" when I mentioned that a sober 3rd party observed that I really didn't have a choice in sleeping with the cute girl.
Moral of the story: I guess you can rape the willing (over & over & over again !!!)
Yes, upset and drunk. Basically if a girl has had more than 3 drinks you can be held accountable, at least that's the rule of thumb here.
But here is what happened, and I'm only posting this for clarification purposes and not to be perceived as anything other than that.
So this one fraternity has some rap group here doing rap covers, and this is a big change from the usual jam bands or southern rock bands we usually have. Pretty much everyone was there, their deck was packed. At some point in the night some girl walks up to me and starts grinding on me, and this goes on for several songs (and inbetween songs) and somehow this leads to kissing. She asked me to her schools homecoming too, but I don't think I'm going to go. Her friends tell her they're going back to their school so she has to leave...that sucks but oh well, but then like 15 minutes later I see her again and she says that she told them to go back and she'd stay....so we start dancing, etc. again. Somehow 'more' touching occurs and it's pretty obvious we're going to hook up, or at least I thought so. At 2 her roommate (who I met a couple of weeks ago because I walked her to her car...but I didn't know it was her roommate) is like ok well I'm leaving, so since she drove this girl has to go back too. I had told her earlier that she could just get a ride back with this other girl in the morning and I thought that was what was going to happen. It didn't. Anyway so we exchange numbers and leave. I texted her and was like she should just stay, she said it's too late that they had left and if I really like her I can wait a week. Like 10 minutes later the 'concert' is over and that's when we
should have been heading back to my room.
I'm not really mad about it now but I was PISSED last night. Anyway that's the story, and Rule fuck you on the gentleman comment, this is unrelated.