So for some reason I'm in a good mood today. I had like 9.5 hours of sleep, woke up exhausted around 7:20. Went to my first class, did the best I could to stay awake. She let us leave 20 minutes early so I went by one of the coffee shops and got a coffee went back to my room for 10 or so minutes then went to my next class. Somewhere during my 2nd (and last) class of today I was just like "Wow, today is a great day...I love college and I love it here" and it felt like some big burden was just randomly lifted off of me. I still have a burden though: 4 papers. I have a 4 page paper in Western Culture due next week (but we already turned in a 'rough draft'), then I have a 1st draft for a 3 page philosophy paper due tomorrow (haven't started), and I have a Government research paper due tomorrow (haven't started), and then I have another paper on Billy Budd due for Rhetoric on Thursday. It sucks, but for some reason I feel alright.
And the only one of these papers I've procrastinated on is the Government one, the rest I'm right on time with basically. (ie. we can't work on the wcul one until we get the rough draft back), the philosophy one I guess I'm a little behind on, and the rhetoric one we're supposed to start tonight.
I'm not sure of the right strategy for tackling this, but I'll probably just go to the library after dinner and stay there until midnight or so.