Interesting Friday in general for me, goddamn I had so much fun.
6:15AM - woke up
7:00AM - 8:30AM - lifted weights and moved machines around. Incline is hard, yo.
9:00AM - 3:30PM - went to start building sets. Ran into my Asian Brutha (nickname, of course
) and this hot dancer chick. Talked with them for like 10-15 minutes then went back upstage to continue building sets. Made friends with these seniors that are extremely hilarious and recite Simpsons quotes a lot, it rocked. Cut myself a few times with wood (there were pieces of wood sticking out from the big 2x4's).
3:30PM - 6:15PM - Ate dinner, chilled with my brother, watched some tv.
6:15PM - 7:00PM - Went biking around a park I live really close to. Ran into a friend of mine (Sarah), and talked to her for about 15 minutes or so. continue biking around meeting some friendse eine random places.
7:00PM - 8:00PM - Played basketball with my brother and his friend. His friend is good as hell, friggin throws it up and it goes right throw, and he's not even looking at the hoop.
8:00PM - 8:30PM - go for a serious bike ride to kill my legs, biked over 3-4 miles before I decided to go home and eat.
10:10PM - 11:55PM - Talk to one of my best female friends and her [extremely hot] cousin online, since I forgot to write down her cousin's number (she lives in Wisconsin). Got into a random argument with my best [male] friend about girlfriends and shit, it was random and spawned out of nowhere.
Oh, here's a question for everyone: Would you rather want to get into a relationship that might actually last, or get into 3 small ones that might last for a couple days?