Poor Newby, he's going to graduate after five years with student loans, no job prospects, and still be single. Your parents will be so disappointed.
No student loans -- my dad can afford college. I'm hoping to do graduate school, but we'll see. I figure with 12-18 more quarters to go, I have enough time to inflate my GPA to something pretty good. And I dunno about single. I guess that remains to be seen too.
Not every teacher teaches from the book...
Most math teachers do. That's why I <3 math. You can come up with examples to do in class, but in the end, it's the same damn concept as is highlighted in the book.
And attending discussion sections makes up for bad lecturers, usually.
No. My T.A. for discussion straight up told us if a concept was on the homework, he couldn't help us.
So I stopped going. Because he's a fucking douchebag too.