I've been super inactive as of the last week, but updates:
-- 3.47 or 3.55 this quarter. A in math (97% on my math final, I kick butt!), B+ in philosophy (fuck the TA that graded my shit), B in physics.
I have to talk to student judicial affairs about a plagiarism accusation, but worst comes to worst, they convict me and I wind up with an A- in programming (which is a slap in the face all on its own); nothing goes down on my transcript. Hopefully, they'll see common sense as the law of the land, because I'm allowed to work with one person, and that covers my "plagiarism accusation" completely, and I'll get the A. 3.55. If not, 3.47.
Spring Quarter is here. I'm going to bust out a 4.0 or die trying.
Oh, and you guys with you 2.5-3 MB/sec downloads are wussies. I upload faster, kthx.