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--- Quote from: Sidoh on September 16, 2013, 08:44:34 pm ---More likely it was this:

--- Quote from: deadly7 on October 30, 2012, 04:58:47 pm ---Quoting posts appears to be broken for me..

--- End quote ---


--- End quote ---

RESOLVED - WORKSFORME.  My favorite way to close a bug!

REOPENED - if you click "Insert Quote" while you're already posting a quote, say, if I were trying to quote Sidoh..

<here's where the quote would be if it worked>

.. that's the quote method that's broken. It's valid!

When I click 'Quote' the AJAX query seems to execute but nothing is sent to my quick reply box. I'm using the Core theme.

Yeah, the quote button appears to be returning nothing for me, as well.

Looking at the response it's this:

--- Quote ---<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

--- End quote ---


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