Once you have a file open, it's given a tab like a browser tab. The problem is, once you have too many of those tabs open ... it's equally burdensome to find. I generally try to remember to close tabs when I'm finished when having to use Visual Studio, otherwise it's really annoying.
Right, but I need to find files that aren't open dozens of times a day. I assume this is the case with you too? Do you really have to poke through the entire source tree any time you want to open a new file?
This isn't really a problem in IntelliJ either. I just leave everything open and press Alt+E, which lists recently opened files. You can then type to filter the list and press enter to open it. I hate using the mouse for this kind of stuff, and I'm really happy that I'm provided with efficient ways to circumvent moving my hand those six inches.
There's no way VisualStudio doesn't have something similar to this. It's too obvious a feature.
I think with C++11, the future is very bright. All of <algorithm>, for example, becomes practicably useful with lambda expressions. Although, I have mixed feelings about the new template features (because people use templates to do unusual things that are hard to understand ... so-called template meta-programming).
Templates are always troublesome for Visual Studio to deal with (it almost never finds template definitions). It probably gets worse in C++11.
Sounds really awful.
And the worst case complexity of hash map is O(n). For a balanced tree, the worst case complexity if O(log n). So if you pick a bad hash function, then a tree theoretically beats your hash map. If your application is performance-sensitive, you really should write your hash function by hand. A default hash function won't generally exploit the structure of your keys.
My impression is that you'd probably not notice a big difference using a TreeMap for casual use ... or if it's only a thousand elements, probably searching an array is substantially faster than either a hash map or a tree map despite having a theoretical complexity of O(n).
Not that any of this matters for casual use of containers ...
Right, but in practice -- even with these generated hash functions -- a
HashMap is much more performant than a
TreeMap. It's performance-sensitive in that it's nice if it finishes a little faster. The distribution of group sizes is very widely spread for most data sets. Most reducers will have groups with millions of entries in a group, for example.
Most types used as keys are simple compositions of primitives, so it's quite easy to generate a good hash function algorithmically. It follows widely accepted best practices laid out in
Effective Java. If you have a field that isn't a primitive, you can just incorporate the value of that object's
hashCode into the return value.
These aren't crappy hash functions that are going to result in the O(n) worst case. In fact, I suspect that they're often better than hand-written hash functions because it's so easy to introduce error with this kind of fiddly nonsense.
operators and inheritance are ugly issues in C++.
Another win for Java (kind of)?
It's not that bad, Ctrl+F7 just compiles that one source file (rather than the whole project). You can't get away with this when writing templated classes and methods though ... and Visual Studio has a lot of trouble with templates so it always gives false alarms (or nothing). You usually have to wait until you can instantiate the class or method to see if it compiles.
I'm sure I'd learn how to function quite well without red squigglies, but I'm quite confident that it saves me many minutes a day by informing me of an error or oversight as soon as it becomes an issue rather than further down the line. You just can't get the same level of granularity if you have to manually kick off the compiler any time you want to check for errors.
This isn't the only advantage to red squigglies, though. Since the java compiler gives more information than just the line number, the IDE can highlight just the problem area, which often helps make the underlying problem a little more obvious.
I'm sure Visual Studio can do some of what you described. I just don't know how to use it well enough to do those tricks.
Regarding return types, in C++11, now you can do something like this (which I have mixed feelings about):
auto clThing = clOtherThing.DoSomething(); // Return type inferred automatically
EDIT: Small English corrections.
Yuck. That seems like it'd throw many advantages that strong types provide out of the window. I'd
much rather rely on my IDE to auto-infer the return type.
Thing thing1 = new Thing(new Stuff(1));
Thing thing2 = new Thing(new Stuff(1));
Would yield:
Stuff stuff = new Stuff(1);
Thing thing1 = new Thing(stuff);
Thing thing2 = new Thing(stuff);
I don't see much advantage in this "feature", do you? It seems something one would use purely out of laziness, but that's a problem the IDE should be able to take care of without throwing away all of the nice advantages type safety brings.
If the type of a variable is wrong, the IDE should be able to correct it for you. This comes up a lot, now that I think about it. I just cursor over the line with the error, press Alt-Enter, and there's an option to change the type of the variable. Same goes for return types of methods, parameters, etc.