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New server + update


Hey all,

I just updated the forum to the latest version of SMF, and also moved it to a new server. The ip address is currently the same, but it's being proxied through this address to This will be a little slower, but it's only a temporary measure.

Let me know if you have any issues!

The theme I'm using, "Classic YaBB SE Theme", has a ton of missing string table entries.  It has been this way since SMF 2.0, though.

I'm going to file that one under, "too goddamn bad" :)


--- Quote from: iago on October 10, 2013, 11:03:18 pm ---I'm going to file that one under, "too goddamn bad" :)

--- End quote ---

Yeah, I know what most of the blank buttons are, anyway.  #yoloswag


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