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Welcome RoMi!

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--- Quote from: RoMi on June 15, 2005, 06:59:32 pm ---I was out getting some pizza.  Thanks everyone!  I think what makes this clan really special is the amount of effort it takes to join.  This amount of effort corresponds to how much effort each individual member puts in, making the community a better place all around.
People I’d especially like to thank are:
Newby (originally told me about the clan)
deadly7 (He's helped me with my unpopular websites that I've made in the past and always gave them his full attention and effort.  For these actions I thank you, and sorry about not having you in the origional post.)
Joe (been a great friend over AIM and for a while)
iago (ever since I began coming around these parts he has been very helpful)
Quik (been a good friend for a while now)

--- End quote ---

Theres nothing in the rules about un-approving people after they join, right?  :P Jokes jokes.

I didn't know you had a website!

.. I guess that's why it's unpopular :D

pfft no thank yous from me =(.

Welcome anyways :-\

Bonjour tabarnak.

Welcome! :D


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