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Members List Discussion

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I fixed the leaders (Newby is fucking lazy), and added MM a.k.a. Armin as our newest member!

On a side note, we're running out of symbols for footnotes. :(


--- Quote from: MyndFyre on February 08, 2009, 01:59:02 am ---I fixed the leaders (Newby is fucking lazy), and added MM a.k.a. Armin as our newest member!

On a side note, we're running out of symbols for footnotes. :(

--- End quote ---
There's a whole Unicode full of symbols. You just have to start being creative卍

Moved Lobo and Mythix to inactive. Just as a heads up.

I'd like to be set as active. I might not be talking much, but I am watching and getting a feel for things.

Running the risk of repetition, I’d like to be moved from the inactive to the active member list. Thank you!  :P


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