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Members List Discussion

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Those take place in private forums, the memers list is in a public forum. Wouldn't make much sense to link the two to threads that most forum users can't read.

How about just a reason? "Resigned" "Kicked out" etc.  (Unless it already has that :))

I thought Krazed was the new leader. Update the list on your main page, please. :)


--- Quote from: Krazed on September 06, 2005, 06:40:12 am ---Those take place in private forums, the memers list is in a public forum. Wouldn't make much sense to link the two to threads that most forum users can't read.

--- End quote ---

...except for historical interest to members?


--- Quote from: MyndFyre[x86] on September 06, 2005, 11:10:17 am ---
--- Quote from: Krazed on September 06, 2005, 06:40:12 am ---Those take place in private forums, the memers list is in a public forum. Wouldn't make much sense to link the two to threads that most forum users can't read.

--- End quote ---

...except for historical interest to members?

--- End quote ---

We could keep a list of former members, and sticky it into the members forums. But like I said, it just wouldn't make sense to link that in a public thread.

iago: It has that, you non-up-to-date leader you!

GameSnake: I sure hope so, or someone lied to me.  :P


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