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Members List Discussion

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Well, inactive is nothing like resigning.  It's just a convenient way of not including them in votes that they aren't going to vote in anyways. :P


--- Quote from: iago on March 22, 2006, 12:18:36 pm ---Well, inactive is nothing like resigning.  It's just a convenient way of not including them in votes that they aren't going to vote in anyways. :P

--- End quote ---

Yeah, I know. :)

I didn't know if you were saying he left out of spite or something to that affect.  Yeah, I'd say we can move him to inactive.  It's not like it isn't easy to move him back. :)


--- Quote ---* indicates that the leader has been a clan leader and/or figurehead.
--- End quote ---
Might want to put member instead of leader in the bolded spot.,10.0.html

Yooooou're a quick one!

Changed :)

Rofl!  I try my hardest. :D


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