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i wonder how long ersan's activeness will last?

I'm surprised Sty is still on list, seeing as he blocked all of you and removed you from his lists. He even exiled Sidoh!

I don't know what you mean, Sty hasn't blocked me and we've talked recently. 

And even if he did block everybody, we can't kick him out without a 75% majority vote.  As much as I'd like to sometimes, we can't arbitrarily kick out members.


--- Quote from: Kaleeko on July 04, 2006, 04:38:47 pm ---I'm surprised Sty is still on list, seeing as he blocked all of you and removed you from his lists. He even exiled Sidoh!

--- End quote ---
How mean :(


--- Quote from: iago on July 04, 2006, 04:40:51 pm ---I don't know what you mean, Sty hasn't blocked me and we've talked recently. 

And even if he did block everybody, we can't kick him out without a 75% majority vote.  As much as I'd like to sometimes, we can't arbitrarily kick out members.

--- End quote ---

Mmkay. Well, he was never very specific about any one person. I just remember him saying before I moved that he'd done so.
And, I meant more on the active list. I'm tired. Lack of specificity ftw. (I wasn't meaning he needed to be kicked out. :P )


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