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--- Quote from: Kaleeko on July 05, 2006, 01:17:26 am ---
--- Quote from: rabbit on July 04, 2006, 06:46:58 pm ---It's been a while since I've seen you here.  You disappeared.  Did you explode or something?

--- End quote ---

Yes. I exploded. But I had a miraculous recovery from having every body part be dis-joined and blasted into millions of smithereens, and now can move my apendages (the ones that got put back on) enough to type.

Actually, I had a rather rough time in my life and then a very stressful move. And then I got dragged into WoW and didn't surface to reality until recently. Since x86 has always been on my hot bar, I've been clicking it a lot lately and finally decided to actually say something to let you all know I still exist.

--- End quote ---
We need more artists in this clan. hint hint ;)


--- Quote from: GameSnake on July 05, 2006, 01:48:50 am ---We need more artists in this clan. hint hint ;)

--- End quote ---


Replace "artists" with "girls who like art" and you'll understand it all.


--- Quote from: Joe[x86] on July 05, 2006, 02:27:02 am ---Replace "artists" with "girls who like art" and you'll understand it all.

--- End quote ---

Still wondering why he thinks I should be in the clan. :P


--- Quote from: Kaleeko on July 05, 2006, 02:29:39 am ---Still wondering why he thinks I should be in the clan. :P

--- End quote ---

Because he wants you to have his babies.


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