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Remember the bias we were discussing? And how there's a porportional relationship between sexyness and wanting them? Yep.


--- Quote from: Joe[x86] on July 05, 2006, 02:43:44 am ---Remember the bias we were discussing? And how there's a porportional relationship between sexyness and wanting them? Yep.

--- End quote ---

No... ?


--- Quote from: Sidoh on July 05, 2006, 02:42:07 am ---
--- Quote from: Kaleeko on July 05, 2006, 02:29:39 am ---Still wondering why he thinks I should be in the clan. :P

--- End quote ---

Because he wants you to have his babies.

--- End quote ---

Great. Just what the world needs. Python/Mac hybrids.

Please, shoot me, right now.

--- Quote from: Joe[x86] on July 05, 2006, 02:43:44 am ---Remember the bias we were discussing? And how there's a porportional relationship between sexyness and wanting them? Yep.

--- End quote ---

Excuse me while I go puke. (</sarcasm?>) I'm decently smart, funny when I want to be, blunt (it can be a good thing), and find this forum amusing and enjoyable to visit. Those should be more applicable reasons to want someone in the clan, than the fact that they have a nice face that none of you will ever see but Sty (never again) and Sidoh, if I run into him while visiting family.
Yes, I totally just switched from talking about myself in third person to first person.


--- Quote from: Sidoh on July 05, 2006, 02:47:11 am ---
--- Quote from: Joe[x86] on July 05, 2006, 02:43:44 am ---Remember the bias we were discussing? And how there's a porportional relationship between sexyness and wanting them? Yep.

--- End quote ---

No... ?

--- End quote ---

That was directed to Kaleeko reguarding an AIM conversation.


--- Quote from: Joe[x86] on July 05, 2006, 02:57:20 am ---That was directed to Kaleeko reguarding an AIM conversation.

--- End quote ---

Learn to use quotes.


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