[18:22:22] <krazed[x86]> On that topic, who wants to code me a site?
[18:22:50] <Warrior[x86]> <html><head><title>Drugs..</title></head><body>Content!</body></html>
[1:07:37 PM] <111787@Lordaeron> name calling isn't cool
[1:08:02 PM] <111787@Lordaeron> helping smokey prevent forest fires is cool
<Quik> Quik is now listening to: Handsome Boy Modeling School - Rock And Roll (Could Never Hip Hop Like This) Part 2 [0:18 of 7:16] [192kbps]
[3:08:58 PM] <Warrior:0:125> Who cares about mothers
[3:09:01 PM] <Warrior:0:125> just install Linux
[21:31:15] <ZeroX.@Lordaeron> Archon
[21:31:18] <ZeroX.@Lordaeron> get wow
[21:31:23] <ZeroX.@Lordaeron> ThunderLord
[21:31:24] <Archon[x86]> Nah, I have enough drug addictions
One of those is from IRC, I was just taking out the quotes from my quotes.txt from or about x86 members.