Since the labels are false, draw from the A&O box. Which ever fruit comes out, that is the true label. (Let's say for clarity's sake, you draw an orange from the A&O box. Thus, this box is oranges.) (Since the label is false, whatever fruit you draw is the only fruit in the container!)
So we have: O labeled correctly, A&O unsure, A unsure.
Draw from the box labeled oranges (since you happened to pull an orange). If you pull an orange, this is the A&O box. If you pull an apple, this is the apple box.Draw 1 fruit from box #2, and draw 1 fruit from box #3. One of two things will happen.
- Fruit from box #2/#3 will be orange. In this case, box #2/#3 = A&O and box #3/#2 = A
- Fruit from box #2 will be same as fruit from box #3. In this case, one of these boxes is labeled 'ORANGE' incorrectly. Whichever box you drew an apple from (that was labeled ORANGE) is the A&O box, and the other box is the apple box.
I almots got stuck twice there. Heh.