$6 million dollars could be spent in like..a day. I thought we were talking about lots of money here, iago needs to be more specific.
Dude... anymmount of money can be spent in a single day
If I had $6 mill I would be set FOR LIFE, And i'm only 15, so I'd be set for 70+ years.
(I have planned out it a while ago.. cant remember the details rght now tho)
Dude, I'm happy is I can get $20 in a year.
Also immagin this, how much in change d you usually carry around?
I usually carry ~5 quarters, ~2 dimes ~2 nicks. and ~15 pennies
Imaggin that the coin can be any of those sizes
so your carring around 22 coins
if all of them were rare and worth $6mill each you would have
$132 million dollers in 1 packet!
maby they are not so valuble and only are $3 mill a peice
thats still $66 mill
Also the thing said basically he has been doing this for some time. You can get a shitload of $ FAST.