Right, so today school was stupid. Seniors register at 3:00pm, so I got to sleep in, right? No. My school was retarded and made us get there by 11:30 for a retarded "Computer Training Session", which taught us all how to login to our webmail with our school logins...omg...I learned that....IN SEVENTH GRADE! Everything else was a review of bullshit in the school handbook (nothing school unrelated, no games, blah blah). The good news? Well, it has nothing to do with school, so I'll get to it later.
BLARG! 3:00pm, I go in for registration. I stand in line for 45 minutes waiting to get my ID photo taken, which takes all of FIVE SECONDS if you do it right (which, of course, nobody did). Then I went to pick up my (2) loaned books: Physics and Computer Science. *sigh* The loaned Computer Science book is different from the one I actually need to have, and, quoth my teacher: "it really really really sucks...it's just so bad...". Great.... Well, everything's done! BUT O FUCK!! That's not all! My bus stop is 2 blocks away, but there's construction out front of my school so it takes longer to get there. For those of you who don't know, my bus arrives every hour (12:12, 1:12, 2:12, etc...) supposedly. I got out of registration at 4:11, so, yeah, I missed my bus. JOY! I get to wait an hour for the next one to come in the nasty bus stop.
"What about that gap from 12:00 to 3:00 though?" is probably what you're asking. I went with my friends Jamie, Skyler, and Razler to Taco Bell in suburban, hopped over to Borders to pick up new manga/comics, then over to FYE to browse their (overpriced) selection (we bought nothing!). After that we went over to 8th & Chestnut where there's this little game shop. For $3 each we got to play any game they had on their plasma screen until we left. Pwntastic! We played Naruto 3 Import for almost 2 hours (and that game ROCKS!). It was so badass ^^.
Anyways, school is stupid, and that store owns. End of story.
PS: I'm on page 674 of 789, including 6 appendicies and a glossary, and have yet to learn anything new about Java. *sigh*
This book does suck! It's teachings, in order, are:
Introduction to OOP
Java Syntax & Semantics (with classes)
Math operations
OOP Design/Implementation
Inheritance, Polymorphism, Scope
Event Driven IO
Exceptions and Control Structs
1D Arrays
Array lists
MD Arrays/Number Computating
For-Loops (WTF?!)
It's seriously fucked up.