Author Topic: Dammit don't go off topic!!  (Read 1290 times)

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Offline rabbit

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Dammit don't go off topic!!
« on: September 14, 2005, 04:52:08 pm »
try again.  If there's one thing I've learned from TV, it's to try a lot.  I re-introduced myself, which seems to have gone off-topic, but whatever, here.  I've failed 3 times so far (aparently), the first time with 3/12 "No".  I want to join primarily for the pretty green stars, and mostly to make me official or something, as I've been around forever (I've been with Newby and Trust since my years ago).  Also, I'm business partners with Susan (Warrior).  I'll never give up trying to be a member until the day I'm a member or the day I give up.  I idle in the channel, and talk occasionally, but I'm mostly an AIM/ICQ/MSN/YIM/gmail/AIM/AIM/gmail (gaim) & forums guy nowadays.

So...that ends my rant.  Vote "yes" next time or vote "no" for years to come.

Fresh thread, new postagingness.  Don't go off topic this time you whores!!