General Forums > I'd like to join!

Id like to join!

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Hello, my name is AJ Savino, aka, Koga73.

Skilled Programming: QBasic, Visual Basic, VBScript
Intermedite Programming: HTML, Java/Javascript

I plan on learning delphi soon.

If you play wc3, im sure you have seen my maps before. Ive made many, im an expert in wc3 mapping, you name it, i can do it. A few of my latest titles are Maze Of Frostbite and Escape Shroom World. I can do skins, textures, icons, pretty much anythng wc3 related with the exception of modeling. I can also map very well for halflife 1/tfc, halflife 2/css.

If you would like to see samples of my work, specifically in qb, vb, or wc3 maps, just let me know. A few programs ive made in vb include: Avalanche Trojan, IP Scanner, File Encryptor. Among those are a few more wc3 related utilities. Im also very familiar with the winsock control :).

My aim sn = Koga73

Please let me know whata think of me, hopefully i can get 75% :).

Well, It's safe to say I don't hate you! However.. It's also safe to say I have never seen you until this day. Why don't you post a bit more (note, that doesn't mean spam.) and get yourself known before talking about joining.


--- Quote from: Krazed on September 14, 2005, 10:08:18 pm ---Well, It's safe to say I don't hate you! However.. It's also safe to say I have never seen you until this day. Why don't you post a bit more (note, that doesn't mean spam.) and get yourself known before talking about joining.

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Hehehe, that was my first thought (in fact, when I saw the topic author and thought "who the hell is that?", I noticed that he is also the latest board member).

--- Quote from: MyndFyre[x86] on August 31, 2005, 08:58:49 pm ---My suggestion?  Stick around a while longer.

--- End quote ---

Note that that's in the most bottom topic in this forum.  He didn't stick around.  Doubtful he'll become a member.


--- Quote from: Koga73 on September 14, 2005, 10:32:51 pm ---i made a trojan

--- End quote ---
Doubtful you'll be getting my vote then, regardless of what you could try to do to change my mind.  I despise people who make virii; I don't care what your reasoning behind it is.

By simple deduction of your name you are a white teen in the middle class family with basic cable, probably from the east coast.

lol, i see u read the about me


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