Hm, am I the only one here who realized..
- c0n can't spell
- c0n failed English eight times in a row in high school, then dropped out when he turned 18
- c0n thinks pr0j3kt m4yh3m isn't a joke ( points to my computer. Bite me please)
- c0n is a hopeless idiot
dear joe,
- c0n can spell he just doesnt feel the need to on the intarweb
- the internet is not a serious place
- pr0j3kt m4yh3m is not a joke. ur ignorant about it so obviously you would have no idea.
- go leech more asm code for ur pathetic 'operating system'
- stop being a social whore
- i feel the need that i must re-iterate...
pr0j3kt m4yh3m is not a joke. perhaps it seems like a joke because they like to make fun
of the whitehats they own, and it happens to be funny. but ur wrong... its not a joke. if u wanna
get owned, joe, please go talk to people in #w0ah on efnet. oh wait... sorry... i cant give u the key
to that channel. i'd love to but i wont. u call me a hopeless moron but you are the one who leeched
the code for ur lame os. why dont u send an email to and talk about how u think
pr0j3kt m4yh3m is a joke. he runs tell him about how much of a hopeless kiddie bnet bot coder
you are, and that you think pr0j3kt m4yh3m is a joke. im pretty sure u would soon find out that it isnt.
here... ill start the email for u.
Dear aer0,
I am Joe, and I am a bot coder. I think that
Pr0j3kt M4yh3m is a joke. Hold on, let me look at all the whitehat
ownings for your zine. Wow, your pr0j3kt m4yh3m cell has
owned a lot of whitehats for the dikline ezine. But pr0j3kt
m4yh3m is still a joke, because I am too ignorant to believe that there
are actually people out there that would do harm to poor, innocent,
pussy whitehats out there. It's a joke... a total joke. Please don't own
me, I'm not a whitehat. I just think you're a joke, and everyone
in your cell is a joke. F1sh got busted, but he's a joke, lolol!
Syke is a joke too, because, well, I don't know him! I dont know
anybody affiliated with pr0j3kt m4yh3m, but it is such a joke!
The_uT owned a lot of people and rm'd them, but once again...
a joke! pHC was a joke in 2002. Trust me, I know what I'm talking
about... I'm Joe, and I use my real name as a nick on the interweb!
Joe[x86] - the ultimate bnet code leecher
there you go, joe. alter it if you want... i dont care.
i mean i suppose its pretty fucking hard to type "pr0j3kt m4yh3m"
in google and not see all the websites that pop up about it?
theres even an article about pr0j3kt m4yh3m and whitehat hate crimes
in Wired Magazine.