(14:17:12) Scr33n0r: DKay
(14:17:15) Scr33n0r: you there/busy?
(14:25:57) [myg0t]DKay: im
(14:26:01) [myg0t]DKay: having sex with a buffalo
(14:26:03) [myg0t]DKay: but go ahead
(06:02:53) Mythix: god damnt
(06:02:54) Mythix: nevermind
(06:03:00) Mythix: looks like I dont get to sleep today
(06:03:02) Mythix: untila fter wrok
(06:03:06) Scr33n0r: ..
(06:03:08) Scr33n0r: wow?
(06:03:16) Scr33n0r: HAHA, YOUR LIFE SUX
(06:03:16) Mythix: dads car broke down
(06:03:23) Mythix: have to give him a ride to work
(06:03:26) Mythix: and he leaves in
(06:03:28) Mythix: 45 minutes
(06:03:37) Mythix: have to be up at 7 to wake my little brother up for school
(06:03:46) Mythix: meaning me sleepin= no
(06:03:55) Scr33n0r:
(06:04:05) Scr33n0r: ohhh Mythix's life sucks, it really really sux
(06:04:15) Scr33n0r: cuz his dads car = fuxed, oh oh ohh
(06:04:19) Mythix: life doesn't suck.
(06:04:21) Mythix: its just being a pain
(06:04:32) Scr33n0r: ssuurree
(06:04:57) Mythix: if
(06:05:00) Mythix: you are alive
(06:05:02) Mythix: not paralyzed
(06:05:06) Mythix: not mentally retarded
(06:05:08) Mythix: and not screenor
(06:05:13) Mythix: life = good++
(06:05:17) Scr33n0r: rofl
[2:35:11 AM] <WiReS>
[2:35:20 AM] <Ergot> Dude...
[2:35:24 AM] <Ergot> This channel smells
[2:35:32 AM] <Ergot> Screenor close your legs
<fiveseven> i was thinking about getting a socail life of my own
<fiveseven> but
<fiveseven> my computer chair is so comfy