It's called the [Report to Moderator] link.
hah, oops.
You take your own topics off-topic, simply by blaming faults on me. Look at it this way:
Joe: Hi! Screenor's a fag and if he replies with a flame I'll get him banned LoL!!
Screenor: Hi! I wont flame you because I like this community way more then I like you! And the only one doing any of the trolling here would be you! While I am always staying at the tip of this community's boundries and not breaking a single rule! Good luck with your forum spam!
You contribute to the offtopicness along with everyone else regardless who started it.
He's trying to make a post to get back into the clan and what non members think should be none of his concern.
While I think the last topic should have been split rather than locked, let's try to keep this one clean.