I've decided to leave VisualBasic behind with a bit of a bang. This will be the last VisualBasic JoeBot ever. This is a little original, it will support both the THAC and IRC protocols, with the adition of the binary protocol later on.
I've got the TAHC protocol finished, to some degree. It will connect, but you can't talk (gimme a sec..), and it doesn't parse anything. It pre-parses packets (splits at the CRLFs), so they're easy enough to read as is, but I will add parsing.
Basically, I aim to put everything in this bot that I enjoy from other bots. Easy to set up (step-by-step configuration?), the basic set of commands (kick, ban, say), Winamp commands (next, prev, vol, mp3), and best of all, built in configuration!
I should have a stable testing version, at least for TAHC, out by the end of the week. If anyone would like a copy, let me know, either here or on AIM.
And a special present, the output!
Stupid table raping output.
[8:37:26 PM] <JoeBot-Test> Hey everyone.
[8:46:45 PM] Joined Channel: Open Tech Support
[8:48:37 PM] [BNET] Info: Welcome to Battle.net!
[8:50:58 PM] [BNET] Error: Chatting with this game is restricted to the channels listed in the channel menu.
[8:55:13 PM] <Joe[e2]> hello self.
[8:57:38 PM] <Joe[e2] whispers> HI.