HI! I'm Distant.Echo, but my real name is Mike. I'm currently 19 years old but that somehow changes every year on the same date.
I work at Circuit City where I do sales as well as "emergency Technician." Basically, I'm like freakin' 911, whatever problem it is, call me.
I don't have any real friends that I actually know on this site, but I'm familiar with a few because I'm extremely active at
www.stealthbot.net. I'd like to join [x86] someday, they have an extremely leet tag and they manufacture Leet Sauce (R).
I don't watch much TV, when I do it's FoxNews. I'm republican.
I DO have a girlfriend, have had the same one for almost 3.5 years. Crazy, yes, I know. You're jealous, shutup.
I like iTunes, I like any kind of music but Country, Classical, Opera, Swing..gay music. I like everything else though. I have a dog, but it's not named after technology. I use Win XP Pro because I'm too lazy to try any type of Linux even though I have all the the most current .iso's. Someday..I can't remember what else I had to tell. So I'm done. Bye.