Golden plates with little angels on them?
I don't know what this means. Are you seriously asking me what kind of plates we have, or is this some sort of insult? In any case, our kitchen is done in a grape/wine theme so our plates match that:
Picture (Actually, we have two sets of plates we normally use, but I didn't eat off of both.)
Now, Scr33n0r, could you just answer my question? What did you mean by "Wtf" and why was my dinner deserving of such a comment? It's not like I ate some obscure food like...possum or something. I'm not trying to be black or white or this or that, I'm claiming ignorance...just explain this.
I wish mine was NEARLY as cool as "Steamed broccoli and cauliflower medley (WITH melted cheese)". Trust, you need to understand that ANYBODY who eats "Steamed broccoli and cauliflower medley (with melted cheese)" is too white to ever be anything other than white.
What the hell is cool about broccoli and cauliflower? Melted cheese, so what? You can buy it frozen for like $1 if you want it that bad. I'm sure black people eat vegetables too, but you wouldn't live Arizona.
I love broccoli and cauliflower with melted cheese. But if I ever EVER called it a "medley", I would pray for somebody to kill me.
Uh, that's what it's called. You're the one that will look stupid if you ever have to properly refer to it.
What is the big deal? I'm not posting about what other people's dinner. If you want to complain, call my mother.