I was wandering around Best Buy a couple months ago, when I happened upon a display computer that was locked, "Please enter password for Administrator". I had a stroke of genius, and typed "bestbuy". Sure enough, success. How lame are they?
Haha, I noticed that one day too. Then some guy was like "are you going to buy something, or are you just looking?" and I was like "I'm just looking, thanks.." and walked away.
So what? Does he follow the trail of insecure networks till he finds his secure one?
My wireless isn't terribly secure, since WEP is weak. The advantage is, however, that I know exactly how secure (or insecure) it is. I don't kid myself. I am fully aware that it's a risk, and it's a risk that I'm willing to take. That's more important than me than the illusion of security.
WEP is horrible as far as security goes, but then.. they're keys and can be bruteforced easily if someone has the will to do so. If I had the money, I'd buy some security stuff, as well as a new computer.. just because I need a new computer, and because I am a bit paranoid as far as my computer goes.