Facebook killed the radio star. And by radio star, I mean the premise of distributed forums around the internet. And that got got by Instagram/SnapChat. And that got got by TikTok. Where the fuck is the internet we once knew?
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[20:21:13] xar: i was just thinking about the time iago came over here and we made this huge bomb and light up the sky for 6 min[20:21:15] xar: that was funny
I'd personally do as Joe suggests
You might be right about that, Joe.
C++ How to Program (Not C, but eh) by Deitel & Deitel. DarkVirus recommended that to me about a year ago. I have an old version of the book, and some other C books if you'd want to (probably not though) buy from me.
<TehServer> !eBooks 0134436989 [Prentice Hall PTR] (Bil Lewis) Threads Primer - A Guide to Multithreaded Programming.pdfMultithreading. Hm.
Multithreaded programming in C (on Linux) is easy++. On Windows, it's painful. Incidentally, if his goal is to program a Gaim plugin, I don't recommend learning C++. It's better to learn C anyway. A book that I'd recommend is Programming Pearls. I forget the author, but can dig it up if necessary. It doesn't teach you the language, but it does teach you some nice tricks about how to program well.
I have a programming folder, and I have nothing of value there
Our species really annoys me.
I liked C for Dummies, both vols. Good times!
eBooks = lame.
if(like(eBook) == true) { eBook.buy;}else{ eBook.trash;}
Code: [Select]if(like(eBook) == true) { eBook.buy;}else{ eBook.trash;}
c:\Documents and Settings\robp.MINNOW\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\Testbed\Testbed\Testbed.cpp(27) : warning C4551: function call missing argument listc:\Documents and Settings\robp.MINNOW\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\Testbed\Testbed\Testbed.cpp(29) : warning C4551: function call missing argument list
QuoteeBooks = lame.eBooks = free.Books = expensive.Code: [Select]if(like(eBook) == true) { eBook.buy;}else{ eBook.trash;}You know C, I'm sure you can figure out what that means.See if its worth anything first, before going out and buying it.