Author Topic: HAHAAHHA  (Read 4795 times)

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Offline Sidoh

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« on: November 15, 2005, 12:01:51 am »
(21:59:03) shell warez: simpsons fanatik (aka waldo) told me to tell you that hes going to hack you
(21:59:16) Sidoh: Alright.
(21:59:41) Sidoh: Oh, I seem to remember having an interesting conversation with him
(22:00:00) Sidoh: A while back
(22:00:07) shell warez: Simpsons Fanatik (10:59:27 PM): I'm going to hack you sidoh.
(22:00:09) Sidoh: Oh what entertainment that provided me!
(22:00:11) Sidoh: Hehe, alright
(22:00:13) Sidoh: I'm here! :)
(22:00:45) shell warez: hold on
(22:00:47) shell warez: hes typing again
(22:00:56) Sidoh: What a ferocious hacker he must be!
(22:00:57) shell warez: Simpsons Fanatik (11:00:24 PM): I'm going to root your box and rm -rf \ you.
(22:01:01) Sidoh: I should brobably be cowering in fear!
(22:01:03) shell warez: lol he even said it wrong
(22:01:05) shell warez: he said \, not /
(22:01:20) Sidoh: That would be pretty funny, especially since the box I'm on is Windows, not Linux.
(22:01:39) shell warez: lol
(22:01:59) shell warez: isnt rm -rf /* a universal unix command?
(22:02:01) Sidoh: Haha, and I thought he seriously was going to try! :)
(22:02:03) shell warez: not just linux
(22:02:17) shell warez: Simpsons Fanatik (11:01:44 PM): Sidoh, you better watch out cause you're computer is gonna be toast in a minute. But whatever your security sucks.
(22:02:49) Sidoh: Tell him he sucks at life :)
(22:03:00) shell warez: k
(22:03:05) Sidoh: Why doesn't he just IM me?
(22:03:10) Sidoh: It seems rather foolish and evasive.
(22:03:16) shell warez: he says you blocked him
(22:03:24) shell warez: that was his reasoning
(22:03:29) Sidoh: LOL
(22:03:32) shell warez: for getting me as a messenger
(22:03:36) Sidoh: What a wonderful human being!
(22:03:39) shell warez: Simpsons Fanatik (11:03:07 PM): Oh, well, I see you're on a Windows box. Hold on, let me get my special 0day out to own a Windows box through the svchost.exe vuln.
(22:03:49) Sidoh: HAHAHAHA
(22:03:51) Sidoh: ROFL
(22:03:54) shell warez: sounds like he knows his stuff, kind of
(22:03:58) Sidoh: No, it doesn't
(22:04:05) Sidoh: It sounds like he's a complete and total idiot.
(22:04:15) shell warez: lol
(22:04:24) Sidoh: If he had the belief that my "security sucked," he'd know which type of box I'm on
(22:04:35) shell warez: hold on, hes typing
(22:04:35) shell warez: again
(22:05:03) Sidoh: I'd unblock him to make fun of him, but I can't seem to remember how to unblock people on gaim :)
(22:05:27) Sidoh: Whatcha know!  I don't even have him blocked :)
(22:05:34) shell warez: lol
(22:05:40) shell warez: msg him
(22:06:51) shell warez: Simpsons Fanatik (11:05:29 PM): Cock sucker, I will hack you (sidoh) so quick and so furious that you won't know what hit you, and I will put in at least 50 trojans so I can get back in.

(22:06:02) Sidoh: Hello there!
(22:06:04) Sidoh: Having fun?
(22:06:15) Simpsons Fanatik: The fun hasn't started yet...
(22:06:23) Sidoh: Kind of funny seeing as you thought I had you blocked!
(22:06:28) Sidoh: I hope you do have fun! ^_^
(22:06:41) Simpsons Fanatik: Kinda funny how I've never thought twice about you...
(22:06:52) Sidoh: I can say the same about you!
(22:07:04) Sidoh: But, how can that be true when you're trying to hack me for no apparent reason?
(22:07:16) Simpsons Fanatik: I need someone to add to my hacked list.
(22:07:39) Sidoh: O RLY?
(22:07:47) Simpsons Fanatik: yz rly
(22:08:15) Sidoh: Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State     
tcp        0      0 tehserver.tehnetwo:3784 crlsbd-cuda5-68-66:1733 ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 tehserver.tehnetwo:http wnpgmb11dc1-170-1:55945 TIME_WAIT   
tcp        0      0 tehserver.tehnetwo:http wnpgmb11dc1-170-1:55944 TIME_WAIT   
tcp        0      0 tehserver.t:netbios-ssn          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0  81049 tehserver.tehnetwo:3784 pcp02261442pcs.tor:4873 ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 tehserver.tehnetwo:3784 198-174-55-181:connlcli ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 tehserver.tehnetwo:http wnpgmb11dc1-170-1:33662 TIME_WAIT   
tcp        0     80 tehserver.tehnetwor:ssh          ESTABLISHED

(22:08:17) Simpsons Fanatik: I will del/S C:\* later
(22:08:20) Sidoh: Would any of htose happen to be you?
(22:08:24) Sidoh: OH NOES
(22:08:29) Sidoh: PHEEERR
(22:09:06) Simpsons Fanatik: My network is actually secure, none of those are mine.
(22:09:21) Sidoh: In case you didn't notice, those last few messages were completely sarcastic
(22:09:33) Sidoh: When you're trying to access my network, you're going to hit my server.  My server logs all traffic in and out.
(22:09:42) Sidoh: Either #1 - one of those is you or #2 - You're not on my network
(22:09:57) Sidoh: Feel free to access my network though!
(22:09:59) Sidoh: Hope you enjoy it!
(22:10:09) Sidoh: Oh, by the way
(22:10:09) Sidoh: Simpsons Fanatik (11:05:29 PM): Cock sucker, I will hack you (sidoh) so quick and so furious that you won't know what hit you, and I will put in at least 50 trojans so I can get back in.
(22:10:11) Sidoh: I'm still waiting.
(22:10:11) Sidoh:  :)
(22:10:13) Simpsons Fanatik: It's not hard to bypass logs
(22:10:51) Simpsons Fanatik: It's not hard to bypass netstat.
(22:11:23) Simpsons Fanatik: You do realize that 0dayz are private, meaning it's a bad thing to tell other people. ESPECIALLY script kiddies like yourself
(22:11:49) Simpsons Fanatik: I can hack you even while jacking off.
(22:12:16) Sidoh: You're a funny person!
(22:12:19) Sidoh: You act just like c0n!
(22:12:31) Sidoh: c0nfus3d[zer0], or whatever his name was
(22:12:37) Sidoh: He was a rather humerous person.
(22:12:38) Simpsons Fanatik: C0n is my peer idle, that is a compliment.
(22:12:38) Sidoh:  :)
(22:12:53) Sidoh: c0n is a pretty unintelligent person.
(22:13:03) Simpsons Fanatik: I have a special shellcode I'm going to use on you.
(22:13:08) Sidoh: Okay!
(22:13:43) Simpsons Fanatik: unitelligent? How.
(22:14:19) Sidoh: He thinks he avoids being "Mainstream" when in fact all he's doing is jumping into an other group of people who are pretty "mainstream"
(22:14:33) Sidoh: I see his attitude everywhere I go, it's not unique like he thinks it is
(22:15:42) Simpsons Fanatik: If you keep dissing on C0n, I'm going to hack your whole family.
(22:15:58) Sidoh: Alright.

I later remembered that shell warez = c0n.


Edit -


(22:18:38) Simpsons Fanatik logged out.
(22:18:42) Simpsons Fanatik logged in.
(22:19:24) Sidoh: Connection have a little burp there? :o)

And as I log off:

(22:52:14) Sidoh: Well, good night Mr. Hacker. :)
« Last Edit: November 15, 2005, 12:39:41 am by Sidoh »

Offline iago

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« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2005, 01:19:43 am »
You ARE running a lot of crap.  Why are you running ident and time?  It's never a good idea to have MySQL facing the Internet, but at least it's not wide open :P.

Oh, and old versions of Apache and PHP.. tsk tsk :)

22/tcp   open  ssh     OpenSSH 3.8.1p1 (protocol 1.99)
37/tcp   open  time?
80/tcp   open  http    Apache httpd 1.3.31 ((Unix) PHP/4.3.7)
113/tcp  open  ident   OpenBSD identd
3306/tcp open  mysql   MySQL (unauthorized)

Offline Sidoh

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« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2005, 12:47:26 pm »
You ARE running a lot of crap.  Why are you running ident and time?  It's never a good idea to have MySQL facing the Internet, but at least it's not wide open :P.

Oh, and old versions of Apache and PHP.. tsk tsk :)

22/tcp   open  ssh     OpenSSH 3.8.1p1 (protocol 1.99)
37/tcp   open  time?
80/tcp   open  http    Apache httpd 1.3.31 ((Unix) PHP/4.3.7)
113/tcp  open  ident   OpenBSD identd
3306/tcp open  mysql   MySQL (unauthorized)

Hehe.  Aren't you running apache 1.3.3 as well?  I have my reasons for sticking with 4.3.0 for now.  I'll probably upgrade later, though :).

Offline Blaze

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« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2005, 03:31:01 pm »
I am going to hacker you, oh great Sidoh!
And like a fool I believed myself, and thought I was somebody else...

Offline iago

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« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2005, 05:14:49 pm »
You ARE running a lot of crap.  Why are you running ident and time?  It's never a good idea to have MySQL facing the Internet, but at least it's not wide open :P.

Oh, and old versions of Apache and PHP.. tsk tsk :)

22/tcp   open  ssh     OpenSSH 3.8.1p1 (protocol 1.99)
37/tcp   open  time?
80/tcp   open  http    Apache httpd 1.3.31 ((Unix) PHP/4.3.7)
113/tcp  open  ident   OpenBSD identd
3306/tcp open  mysql   MySQL (unauthorized)

Hehe.  Aren't you running apache 1.3.3 as well?  I have my reasons for sticking with 4.3.0 for now.  I'll probably upgrade later, though :).

I'm on Apache 1.3.33.  The only change (in terms of security) to 1.3.34 is very minor, and nothing that will affect me. 

Offline Quik

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« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2005, 07:09:52 pm »
You ARE running a lot of crap. Why are you running ident and time? It's never a good idea to have MySQL facing the Internet, but at least it's not wide open :P.

Oh, and old versions of Apache and PHP.. tsk tsk :)

22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 3.8.1p1 (protocol 1.99)
37/tcp open time?
80/tcp open http Apache httpd 1.3.31 ((Unix) PHP/4.3.7)
113/tcp open ident OpenBSD identd
3306/tcp open mysql MySQL (unauthorized)

Hehe. Aren't you running apache 1.3.3 as well? I have my reasons for sticking with 4.3.0 for now. I'll probably upgrade later, though :).

I'm on Apache 1.3.33. The only change (in terms of security) to 1.3.34 is very minor, and nothing that will affect me.

Apache/2.0.54 (Unix) PHP/4.3.11 Server at Port 80

I win.
[20:21:13] xar: i was just thinking about the time iago came over here and we made this huge bomb and light up the sky for 6 min
[20:21:15] xar: that was funny

Offline iago

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« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2005, 10:29:56 pm »
You ARE running a lot of crap. Why are you running ident and time? It's never a good idea to have MySQL facing the Internet, but at least it's not wide open :P.

Oh, and old versions of Apache and PHP.. tsk tsk :)

22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 3.8.1p1 (protocol 1.99)
37/tcp open time?
80/tcp open http Apache httpd 1.3.31 ((Unix) PHP/4.3.7)
113/tcp open ident OpenBSD identd
3306/tcp open mysql MySQL (unauthorized)

Hehe. Aren't you running apache 1.3.3 as well? I have my reasons for sticking with 4.3.0 for now. I'll probably upgrade later, though :).

I'm on Apache 1.3.33. The only change (in terms of security) to 1.3.34 is very minor, and nothing that will affect me.

Apache/2.0.54 (Unix) PHP/4.3.11 Server at Port 80

I win.

I don't like that 2.0 series much.  Whether you're at the latest 1.3 or 2.0 release isn't really important, as long as it's one of them.