Well, I decided to bike to school today. The roads were mostly good, except for one stretch. Not only was it icy, it was full of footprints so it was bumpy+++. On the way there, I walked the icy stretch, because I found it really hard to bike. I'd keep sliding and putting my feet down, and it ended up being slower than walking, so I got off and walked.
On my way back, I had a thought. If I tried to go fast, maybe it would be easier! So I tried it.
Now, the thing about wiping out while going fast on ice is that it doesn't hurt much. I've wiped out on concrete, and that hurts like hell because you're dragging along something that doesn't like you. Falling on ice, though, I just slid to a stop, and laughed at myself.
Here is the dinky little cut I got as a reward: