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Happy December Week Fools!

(1/7) > >>

Yes! There was no exploiting of darkside done by anybody (besides iago, who managed to find a security flaw, but we fixed it!). It was all done out of the boredom of the leaders, with help from Sidoh and Hitmen.

Have a safe, happy holidays, and rest safe knowing darkside never got hacked. :)


--- Quote from: Newby on December 04, 2005, 04:59:28 pm ---Yes! There was no exploiting of darkside done by anybody (besides iago, who managed to find a security flaw, but we fixed it!). It was all done out of the boredom of the leaders, with help from Sidoh and Hitmen.

Have a safe, happy holidays, and rest safe knowing darkside never got hacked. :)

--- End quote ---

Actually, it was started by MyndFyre. 

Then Newby joined in. 

Then I helped. 

Quik and Hitmen knew about it.  Nobody else.

Sidoh had no idea :)

<edit> Sidoh was in on it.  But nobody told me!

(17:06:07) iago:,4012.0.html
(17:06:10) iago: Make sure you read that
(17:07:02) Blaze: hrm
(17:07:08) Blaze: You guys suck.
(17:07:12) Blaze: All of you.
(17:07:14) Blaze: Just go away.
(17:07:17) Blaze: *signs off*  (not really)

So... when do you faggots plan on going to hollywood?

Fucking lamers. Burn in hell.


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