A list of hostnames suggested to iago, by the person in parenthesis. Poptart, Asia, and Pie are taken, by me, me, and iago.
Pie (Quik) (taken by iago)
Nelson (Warrior)
Jimmy (Ergot)
iago (Joe)
coffee (Joe)
carbon (Joe)
Slackoff (joe)
Lovemachine (Ergot)
Erected (Ergot)
Deathbed (Ergot)
Poptart (Ergot) (Taken by Joe)
Canada (Ergot)
Stacy (Trust)
Brittany (WiReS)
NLSdll (Warrior)
Paradise (Ergot)
Heaven (Ergot)
Hell (Ergot)
Cloud9 (Ergot)
Fishing (Ergot)
Colondee (Rabbit)
Winnipeg (Ergot)
Snowflake (Ergot)
USWest (Ergot)
USEast (Ergot)
Europe (Ergot)
Asia (Ergot)
Lordaeron (Ergot)
Azeroth (Ergot)
Kalimdor (Ergot)
Northrend (Ergot)
Mutilator (Newby)
cave (Joe)