Female gamers are awesome. They're better than the male players we have.
The very first game I ever played was GM'ed by a woman. My friend's mom, in fact. She ran a game of AT&T for me and my friend, at their cottage. The next day, his dad ran a game for me, his mom, and my friend. It was pretty cool, too.
I still remember the game, too. We were lackies for the Avatar of the God of Failure (the Avatar was Hiero, and the God of Failure is Hammel, I believe). Basically, everything he does, he fails successfully, and ends up ahead. He (hiero) was also the biggest bullshitter ever. Eventually, we cast "Oh Go Away" on him (somehow), and he got eaten by a Kraken. Sadly, my friend's dad rolled 2 dice. He said, "If these come up 1 2 or 1 3, he's dead. Otherwise, he teleported away.". He got away.
The cool thing is, the world we played in was part of an ongoing campaign, with characters that were created when my friend was probably 5. He was brought up with what his mom referred to as "interactive bedtime stories". He's been gaming all his life.