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Has Hell frozen over?

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Welcome to the jungle.

The Amazon Jungle?

* Joe[e2] adds Raging R.a.B.B.i.T to creep list in Amazon Escape.

"Silly rabbit, Trix are for x86 members only"

Sorry had to say it.

More like, silly rabbit, x86 is for kids!

I think MyndFyre iago rabbit and quik are the only 'adults' in this clan (defined by age of majority)


--- Quote from: Joe[e2] on December 16, 2005, 08:36:32 am ---More like, silly rabbit, x86 is for kids!

I think MyndFyre iago rabbit and quik are the only 'adults' in this clan (defined by age of majority)

--- End quote ---

What are you considering an adult?  18+?

If that's true, there are several others that are "adults."  Mythix and me, to name two. :)


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