That would be a very unlinuxy thing to do
iago, you included straightforward commands. That's a very unlinuxy thing to do:
help -- Type /help to get a list of commands, or /help <command>
for help on a specific command. I added some commands that were
not in the specification, so be sure to look!
login -- Logging in is done implicitely when connecting. I hope
that's not issue, but I thought it was far more clean doing it
that way.
who -- Type /who to get a list of all users or /who <channel> to
get a list of users in that channel.
yell -- This is done implicitely when a message is typed. Just
type a message and hit enter, no need to hell.
tell -- Type /tell <user> <message> to send somebody a private
message. Note that if the user has a space in his name, it is
impossible to send them a message in this way. Consider that a
feature, they don't want to be bugged.
bye -- Type /bye. This is really hacked together, the best way
to exit by far is control-c.
newroom -- Type /newroom <room>; if the room already exists, it
joins it instead of creating it. This command is implicitely
an alias for /join.
member -- Type /member <room>; this command is actually an alias
for /who.
join -- Type /join <room>. If the room doesn't exist, it will be
created (this command is the same as /newroom)
logout -- Just use /bye for this.
You're supposed to have obscure commands for the simplest tasks.
Also, you pulled a Microsoft:
Consider that a feature, they don't want to be bugged.Yeah. C'mon, just admit it, it should moo. Make it come out of the PC speaker, that's Linux-y.