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Little downtime sometime soon...

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I didn't feel like finishing.  So there'll still be a little downtime.  And currently, Pie is down.  He'll be back up whenever I feel like it :)

* Joe[e2] injects himself into the IAGO's COMPUTERS table in darkside's SQL database (darkside is in there too, its recursive.. weird) and sets variable "TURNED ON" in Pie's record to TRUE.
We want our pie back!

MMMM, Pie.

Pie is back, and darkside's move is complete.  I took some pictures of my new setup, but my camera=>usb cord hasn't resurfaced yet.  When it does, you'll see my new bedroom. 

I may have one more downtime later this week while I move around the rest of my gear (router, etc.), but that won't be for at least a few days.  My step-sister is staying in the computer room for 3 days. 


--- Quote ---My step-sister is staying in the computer room for 3 days.
--- End quote ---

Asker her how loud her ears are ringing after sleeping in a room full of computers for three days! =p


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